Promotion: Illumination rides in December

Promotion: Illumination rides in December

!! SOLD OUT !! This year we will again organize the special evening rides through a beautifully illuminated Amsterdam. What could be better than seeing the historic city center of Amsterdam completely festively lit from a historic tram? We leave at 17:00 and 19:00...
New Milestone for the Restoration of the NBM 12

New Milestone for the Restoration of the NBM 12

The restoration/reconstruction of the NBM 12 that is being carried out by the representatives of the Stichts Trammuseum has reached a new milestone. The superstructure was recently lifted onto the chassis, the so-called “truck”. By achieving this...
New album presented in heritage tram

New album presented in heritage tram

In the run-up to the Amsterdam Dance Event 2023, DJ Reinier Zonneveld has presented his new album in the museum tram 820. This is decked out for the occasion in the same design of the new album Heaven Is Mad (For You). About sixty music journalists, influencers and...